Thursday, May 04, 2006

Where I'm At

A lot has happened since my last post nearly three months ago. My grand-nephew, William Blake Burns lost his five-month struggle for life on March 5. I was honored to speak at his memorial service and read from William Blake's "Auguries of Innocence". (I also designed the program for his service -- a quietly simple labor of love.) I resigned the troublesome client mentioned earlier, and am still trying to collect money they owe me for services rendered. Businesswise, I have several very promising "irons in the fire" -- a couple of large, new clients and some important pending projects. If all of them come to fruition I will be living in clover and hiring up team members to get all the work done. But presently, I'm in a holding pattern, waiting on decisions to be made which are out of my hands. The snow has long since melted. Spring blossoms have peaked and faded to a lush late-spring green. Everything that once seemed dead is budding forth with new life.

God is good.