Friday, October 21, 2005

Work Your Fingers to the Bone...

What do you get? Boney fingers! This little animation perfectly sums up the way I'm feeling this week. I just simply can not get caught up. Just went through a foot-high pile of unopened mail. (No kidding.) And put more than two-thirds of it through the paper shredder. Cleared the debris from my desk until there was simply no denying the fact that what I was really doing was procrastinating on a project I really MUST get done. There's one thing that can be said about procrastination: Putting something off for a while sure helps you sort the truly important from the merely urgent.

Anyway, back to the grindstone...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

indeed! ive learned in the past 2 hectic years of worklife that, if you let an item sit in your 'in' basket long enough, it becomes obsolete!