Monday, September 06, 2010

Matinee: Winter 1984

I live in a moment bright and yellow
Filled with Grace and wit and free from care
We faced a screen which for a time
Held all our thoughts at bay
And drenched us in immaculate streams
And left us receding, mesmerized.

But now we march out down the aisle
Our minds process the real again
And colors which were moments ago
Accomplices in our escape,
Now turn and fade in matter grey.
I flip from station to station in the car.
The ride back home goes slowly.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

This so captures that after-the-movie moment! Especially when it has been an escapist movie.

There are those, occasionally, that leave you walking out more connected to reality. But they are few and far between, it seems.