- Jay needs snow.
- Jay needs your votes.
- Jay needs help!
- Jay needs a home where he is the only child or the other siblings are male.
- Jay needs a girl and quick!
- Jay needs more information on filter strips and how effective they would be on his farm.
- Jay needs advice.
- Jay needs someone to touch his hand before he can proceed through an automatic door at the supermarket.
- Jay needs a project chair.
- Jay needs your help again.
Try it yourself and let me know how accurately the results describe your needs.
1. Greg needs your help
2. to set up a more extensive experiment if he needs additional evidence.
3. to find a conservative middle ground that provides globalization.
4. to listen to his basic fisherman instincts.
5. a friend.
6. to have Guille installed.
7. a team that can execute and scale his entrepreneurial endeavors to commercial viability.
8. our support.
9. to prove he is alive.
10. to return to Carmel with his books.
Greg, you lead a far more interesting life than I do. Or is it your doppleganger(s) who lead the interesting life/lives?
And what's a Guille? Is that something fishermen use to breathe?
Okay, so I used "LJ":
1. LJ needs alpha layers!
2. LJ Needs Reviewers.
3. LJ needs a big server farm to handle
6 posts.
4. LJ needs distribution reviews.
5. LJ needs a Miserable mood.
6. LJ needs guidance
7. LJ needs your love!!
8. LJ needs to contact Nick Thorne
9. LJ needs a hand installing Linux
10. Well, the bad news is LJ needs a bunch of parts.
Yeah, the last one pretty much sums it all up. The real LJ just needs a nap.
"Suzanna needs" didn't turn up too much. Apparantly, Suzanna isn't all that needy:
1. Suzanna needs to be followed.
2. Suzanna needs to ensure her diet is working for her, not pushing her away from winning 1st place.
3. Suzanna needs to concentrate on running the STC.
So I tried SPF. Here's what SPF needs:
1. SPF needs to work in hand with reputation schemes. (according to Wong)
2. SPF needs DNS to work properly.
3. To determine your SPF needs, you first need to define your start to burn (STB) time or how long can you be in the sun before you start to burn.
4. Today, what SPF needs most. in order to act, is money.
5. SPF needs to be implemented on every domain.
6. SPF needs to be considered.
7. SPF needs to be implemented.
8. SPF needs to maintain a delicate balance to facilitate Singapore's growth and maturity as a nation.
9. SPF needs to be maintained to ensure longevity.
10. At the very least SPF needs to be balanced with whitelisting, and that is hard to manage and scales poorly.
Seems SPF is a bit more "involved". Good fun.
Who would've thought there would be a guy named Dan Needs? And he sells bush hogging. But no, that is not actually the top of my need list today, or tomorrow, or the next day, maybe one day though!
As if I even needed encouragement to spend more Google time. Google knows the truth huh? That's what we need. To spend more time Googling.
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