So, I get this email from my Harding University classmate (who now works as a professor for the school) letting me know about the HU placement office's new CareerNet Web Site where Harding graduates/alumni and employers can connect. Right away, I forward the email to my friend and client who heads up the in-house communications staff for Second Presbyterian Church here in Memphis, knowing that she's seeking to hire a junior-level graphic designer.
Here's the response she received from Harding's Director of Career Counseling and Placement:
Thank you for your interest in posting jobs on our CareerNet website. I just wanted to let you know that Harding University is affiliated with the Church of Christ and a vast majority of our students are members. I don’t believe it would be beneficial for you to place job postings on our website for that reason.Can you believe that! Not beneficial? To whom? The feeble Harding graduate who might *gasp* be "converted" to Presbyterianism?
I was shocked, appalled, embarrassed and irrate. It NEVER crossed my mind that Harding would have a problem with a non-Church-of-Christ church seeking to hire one of its alumni.
I fired off an email to said Director, saying her actions were "a poor reflection on the Church of Christ, a personal embarrassment to me, and a disservice to the very Harding graduates you profess to serve." I asked her to reconsider her decision and to consider apologizing to my friend.
That was 2 days ago, and I haven't received a response.
Well, I thought my beef with this was bad, until I heard about a
ruckus going on regarding their invitation of Ann Coulter to speak. Under the circumstances, I guess a letter to the administration would probably get lost in the frey.