Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Well, here goes nothing...

Everyone else has a blog, right? So why shouldn't I?

It's like what Adam said to Eve just after she was created, "I don't know how big this thing is going to get, so you'd better stand back."

I don't know what this blog will be. I have no idea what kind of things will be posted here. I just know: I send a lot of electronic ephemera to my friends and family; I have a lot of thoughts and cares rattling around in my mind at any given time; and, by golly, there are many people far less interesting than I am.

Yes, this is narcissism 21st century-style. But is it really any different than keeping a journal? (This one just so happens to be open and available to the wired planet at large.)

So, here goes nothing...or something...

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